Temperamental, Methodical, Pretentious


Age: 57
Race/Nationality: viera, Sharlayan (Veena background)
Height: 5'8"
Bodytype: Petite, slim
Relationship status: Engaged to Elias Djt-gilda
Occupation: Professor of Astromancy (Sharlayan discipline), therapist, occasional tutor. Owns a cafe - Celestial Grounds where she offers her fortune telling skills for a price.
Additional Skills: Chirurgeon training and other healing arts.
Hobbies: Eavesdropping, messing with 'fate', playing the harp, obfuscating
Likes: the sea and all of its creatures, mythology, music of all kinds, novelty, a little bit of chaos (only if enacted or encouraged by herself)
Dislikes: what she perceives to be discourtesy, platitudes, people who end up doing something better than her, alchemy, wilful ignorance
Ambivalent about: Cheese.
Personality: Oddly secular, despite 'cosmic' knowledge and training. It's not exactly that she doesn't believe the gods exist, so much as she believes that any sort of deference, worship, or prayer is entirely pointless. However, is happy to maintain a person's delusions when it seems prudent. Or entertaining.Like most Sharlayans, her interest is always in the pursuit of knowledge, whether it be her own, or guiding others. Most of the time, this pursuit is with the genuine motivation to help. Sometimes, however, her curiosity gets the best of her, and she finds herself plucking and tangling the strings of fate, for better or for worse.One who knows her well might predict exactly when such moods can strike her. Though she is typically careful and disciplined, her temper flares hot, and fast. She has no patience for those who would interfere with or question her methods, and is liable to snap and throw rationality out the window.Additional, and probably irrelevant info: She has no 'forest name', as she was born and raised in Sharlayan, and so has no connection or attachment to her background. She is given to understand that her surname, Muruc, refers to a Veena village somewhere in the Skatay Range. However, she has harboured no curiosity about it whatsoever.



Fortune Teller: Worried about love? Money? The future? What it all means? Tetra is more than happy to look to the stars, and her cards, to tell you what's in store. For a price.Therapist: If cosmic methods don't pique your interest, perhaps a more pragmatic approach is more your speed.Mentor & Tutor: Sharing knowledge outside of Sharlayan had been frowned upon for some time, but within, she's been an enthusiastic guide and teacher. Now that Sharlayan has opened its gates again, one might request her more scholarly services as well.


Wind them up and watch them go...: Sometimes, her fortunes are only shades of truth. Sometimes, she thinks it might be interesting to nudge someone in a different direction to see what happens.Forbidden Knowledge: What kind of Sharlayan would she be if she didn't let her curiosity take her to the fringes of possibility? And what's the point of shying away from a possible revelation, just because it seems a little immoral?Back Alley Chirurgeon: It's not a skill she advertises, but one may have heard she has experience. And one may have also heard that for the right price, or favour, she might offer her more practical skills with the utmost discretion.


25+ only OOC. IC, 21+ is fine.Real life and RP are not the same. Do not expect my feelings to reflect my character's, and vice versa.Long term or short term. I prefer pushing a story I can sink my teeth into, but I'm not opposed to 'popcorn' RP, either. And sometimes, people, characters, and/or writing styles just don't jive as well as we hoped. That's okay!While I don't hold strict rules about post matching, I do expect effort. That doesn't necessarily mean mult-para every time , but it means, give me something to work with, please! This is not an invitation to info dump, but just... make it meaningful.I like the lore of FFXIV. One might even say I love it. I'm by no means an expert, but I prefer to abide by the lore as closely as I can. There are, of course, exceptions (especially when it's more speculation about things hinted at in the MSQ so far), but let's just say... I'm not interested in characters who blatantly break the lore.I also RP in Discord, but I would prefer to get to know you, first!